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The many services and tools offered by Urbanyoad.com all come at a price.
Your welcomed support is both appreciated and recognized.
You have the option to transfer funds through PayPal.com and GoFundMe.com/_________
In fact UniqueVisionProduction.com (UVP) makes contributions here, too! (Up to 10% of its annual revenue.)
UVP creates film productions about lives in the inner city, to help people around the world come closer to an understanding of why children have different opinions, attitudes and lifestyles so vastly different, from children in more affluent neighborhoods.
These films are released to educate and offer hope to inner-city viewers. The stories told are realistic to our community youth, and the actors and actresses look like and act like people they know or have seen. The message, then, is easier for our youth to change their early belief system to one of hope and goals yet to achieve. Youth tend to believe they will ALWAYS BE YOUNG...but, us adults know, with a blessing, stroke of luck and wise choices, today's youth, too, will become the next generation of workers, voters, parents and grand-parents. Perhaps the will perpetuate this organization, too.